Sharoma The Clash Cardiff 1977

Cardiff 1977

All tracks recorded live at Leicester Polytechnic, 13th May, 1977 (not Cardiff as the title of the CD suggests).

Track listing

  1. I'm So Bored With The U.S.A.
  2. Hate & War
  3. 48 Hours
  4. Deny
  5. Police & Thieves
  6. Cheat
  7. Capital Radio
  8. What's My Name
  9. Protex Blue
  10. Remote Control
  11. Garageland
  12. 1977


An early performance from mid '77. Not the earliest, but you'll notice it's all first album material. This is a great 12 song CD from start to finish. Excellent quality, and the best source for some of the rarer first album tracks, such as Protex Blue, Remote Control and 48 Hours... which Joe announces:

"It's Saturday night you've just got paid, Monday's coming don't be afraid! - get on with it!"

During I'm So Bored With The U.S.A. in particular Joe seems a bit knackered, or maybe that's just his vocal style on the night. This is not the complete show sadly. I believe London's Burning and 1977 are missing from the start of the set, though 1977 is played last again.

Deny is a superb performance, very clear. Throughout the set the vocals are very clear and almost all the lyrics are decipherable, which is more than can be said for the album! (Which incidentally had only been out for a month or so at this time.)

"Now you can rest your sweaty armpits and move your knees! Your knees! Police and Thieves in the street!"

As you would expect, this is a great performance. Joe seems to mention Leicester's De Montfort Hall near the end, before he says that he isn't Diana Ross. I'm reliably informed that the venue was the Polytechnic though. The start of Capital Radio is particularly excellent, nice blend of guitar and drums, and the song itself is great. "Don't touch that dial!"

What's My Name, Protex Blue and Remote Control all superb. Especially Protex Blue, and it's good to have a great live version of Remote Control. Once Complete Control came along they dropped its "Mother" song from the set. Definitely a show to get your hands on. Early Clash at their best, and with excellent faultess sound quality throughout. Well recommended!

Rated: 9 / 10


Although commonly thought to be "Performed Live In Cardiff 1977" this show was in fact performed in Leicester. During Police & Thieves and What's My Name Joe makes reference to this fact. Wonder why anyone thought otherwise?

If you want to trade for this show, I recommended you choose the 1977 compilation instead as it contains all of the material here plus eight other tracks.

Thanks to Peter Oljanuk for the copy of this.